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Klim Dyachkov

Sun XVM VirtualBox 2.1.4 (32-bit) 64 Bit

Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'howtoforge_com-box-3','ezslot_8',106,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howtoforge_com-box-3-0');This tutorial shows how you can install Sun xVM VirtualBox 2 on a Debian Lenny desktop. VirtualBox is available as a package from the official Debian Lenny repository, but it's very old (version 1.6.6), therefore I explain how to install the current version (2.1.4 at the time of this writing). With VirtualBox you can create and run guest operating systems ("virtual machines") such as Linux and Windows under a host operating system. There are two ways of installing VirtualBox: from precompiled binaries that are available for some distributions and come under the PUEL license, and from the sources that are released under the GPL. This article will show how to set up VirtualBox 2 (2.1.4 at the time of this writing) from the precompiled binaries. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'howtoforge_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_7',121,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howtoforge_com-medrectangle-3-0');As of version 2 VirtualBox supports 32 and 64bit host and guest operating systems (if you want to install 64bit guests your processor must support hardware virtualization and, of course, the host operating system must be 64bit as well). This document comes without warranty of any kind! I want to say that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you! Installing VirtualBox From Precompiled Binaries First, we install the packages gdeb, gedbi, and gdebi-core. Open the Synaptic Package Manager (System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager):(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle[]).push();You can use the search function to find the three packages. Select them for installation and click on Apply. Close Synaptic after the packages have been installed:Open Firefox and go to _Downloads. For Debian Lenny, click on the i386 or AMD64 link (depending on if you have a 32 or 64 bit host operating system) right of Debian 5.0 ("Lenny"): if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'howtoforge_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',108,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howtoforge_com-medrectangle-4-0');In the Firefox download dialogue, select Save File...... and download the package, e.g. to your desktop (/home/falko/Desktop in this example):if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'howtoforge_com-box-4','ezslot_6',110,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-howtoforge_com-box-4-0');After the download has finished, open a terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)...... and typesuto become root.Then rungdebi /home/falko/Desktop/virtualbox-2.1_2.1.4-42893_Debian_lenny_i386.debto install VirtualBox (make sure you use the correct path; also the package name can differ, for example if you have downloaded the amd64 version or if there is a newer version - use the TAB key to use autocompletion in the terminal).During the installation you will see the following message. It says that the user that runs VirtualBox - that's the user you're logged in as on your desktop - must be a member of the vboxusers group:To add the user falko to the vboxusers group, we runusermod -G vboxusers -a falkoin the terminal, delete the VirtualBox package...rm -f /home/falko/Desktop/virtualbox-2.1_2.1.4-42893_Debian_lenny_i386.deb ... and close the terminal afterwards.To start VirtualBox, go to Applications > System Tools > Sun xVM VirtualBox (if you don't see the VirtualBox launcher, log out of the desktop and back in again):When you start VirtualBox for the first time, you are prompted to accept its license:Afterwards, type in your name and email address to register your VirtualBox installation:Click on OK in the registration confirmation window:That's it! You can now use VirtualBox to create virtual machines: LinksVirtualBox: Debian: About Falko TimmeFalko Timme is an experienced Linux administrator and founder of Timme Hosting, a leading nginx business hosting company in Germany. He is one of the most active authors on HowtoForge since 2005 and one of the core developers of ISPConfig since 2000. He has also contributed to the O'Reilly book "Linux System Administration". view as pdf printShare this page:Suggested articles8 Comment(s)Add commentName *Email *tinymce.init( bold italic link",);CommentsBy: ramack Reply I found these steps that will get your USB devices working.Edit /etc/fstab and add:none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=XXX,devmode=664 0 0Change XXX to be a group you are a member of, vboxusers is a natural choice (cat /etc/group grep vboxusers - use the number there). -usb-working-in-virtualbox-under-debian-and-ubuntuBy: Dean W. Anneser Reply There is an easy workaround. Before starting the virtual machine, define /media as a shared folder. Then from windows explorer, map a network drive M: (for example) as \\VBOXSRV\media. You will then be able to access files on the USB memory stick at M:\disk.I am running VirtualBox 2.1.4 on Debian Lenny. By: Anonymous Reply As root:Add to /etc/apt/sources.list the following line:deb lenny non-free Install the linux headers package "linux-headers-all" or similar (you do not have this step and if the package is not installed you cannot build the kernel module, which means VB won't start)Install the key wget -q _vbox.asc -O- sudo apt-key add -apt-get update apt-get install virtualbox-2.1 And that's it. No need to install gdebi and similar and of course it is not advisable downloading and installing the package manually when there is a specific repo for debian Lenny...The steps are described here: _DownloadsBy: miksuh Reply You don't need to download the Debian package from the Virtualbox's webpage first and then install it. Virtualbox project maintains their own Debian repository and you can install Virtualbox using eg. Synaptic or aptitude. If you use the repository you will also get updates automatically when those are available.1) Open terminal-window2) Download Sun public key for secure-apt:$ wget -q _vbox.asc3) switch to root using command su (give root's password when asked$ su4) Add Sun public key to keyring:# apt-key add sun_vbox.asc5) Remove key file# rm sun_vbox.asc6) Add Virtualbox repository to the /etc/apt/sources.list# gedit /etc/apt/sources.listAdd this line to file:deb lenny non-freeSave file and then close the text editor.7) Update the package database:# aptitude update8) Install Virtualbox 2.1# aptitude install virtualbox-2.19) Add user to vboxusers group, eg:# adduser miksuh vboxusersBy: Csarlee Reply Yes, it is true. I installed VBox with this method. But VirtualBox is useful but only if you don't want to connect devices to the guest operating system. I mean a USB stick cannot be seen from the guest. By: Anonymous Reply These instructions are outdated. You need the oracle key and the repository is no longer non-free (but contrib).Follow these directions to add VirtualBox to the aptitude sources on a Debian Linux box:

Sun xVM VirtualBox 2.1.4 (32-bit) 64 bit

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Ma come si fa a virtualizzare Windows xp già installato prima di virtualbox, cioè su un sistema dual boot...sono su ubuntu 7.10 , ho installato virtualbox, mi piacerebbe poter "lanciare in finestra" windows già presente nel pc, come faccio? finora ho trovato solo guide su come installare sistemi operativi..

Caro Angelo, puoi leggere un disco esterno tramite virtualbox in molti modi. Immagino che il disco sia USB, quindi puoi collegare il disco alla porta USB e (con gli addons di virtualbox installati) e quindi accedere alla periferica USB direttamente dalla macchina ospite. In alternativa puoi attaccare il disco esterno e, sempre con gli addons installati, creare una condivisione direttamente dal menu di VirtualBox (vedi commenti precedenti).

Complimenti per la guida che insieme a sono le migliori!volevo precisare che con l'uscita della versione 1.6 è possibile installare virtualbox anche su OpenSolaris e esiste un profilo anche per un sistema guest per l'o.s. di Sun.In più finalmente VB è disponibile anche per host MAC OS X (

Io ho installato virtualbox su ubuntu 8.04 e riscontro un problema: quando procedo all'installazione di xp nella vm quando arriva a formattare la partizione(ho scelto ntfs ma anche con fat non cambia niente) virtualbox si blocca e il pc va in crash. Ho provato a installare virtualbox su xp e nn da nessun problema. Sapreste aiutarmi?

Ho lo stesso problema che aveva tonyrulez, solo che il mio Ubuntu è già installato nell'hard disk primario.In poche parole, quando lancio l'installazione di windowsxp da cd su virtualbox, mi si blocca durante la formattazione. Perché!?!?!?

ciao a tutti,ho bisogno di aiuto:ho installato virtualbox 2.1.4 in un sistema XP pro,e come guest stesso S.O.(lo uso per provare i programmi senza fare danni nel S.O. principale)funziona tutto perfettamente,tranne che non riesco a condividere le cartella tra i due sistemi,ho provato in tutti i modi che conosco,niente,probabhilmente mi sfugge qualcosa;potete aiutarmi? in qualsiasi caso grazie a tutti

Ciao a tutti, con la versione virtualbox 2.1.4 su xp e virtualizzando xp mi succede una cosa strana, con un file VDI vecchio con le guest addition della versione 2.0.2 la finestra si adatta allo schermo in qualunque modo.

Ciao, Ho scaricato la guida di virtualbox, tutta in inglese e non ho capito nulla. Ho installato virtualbox ed ho creato una una "partizione virtuale di xp pro" e installato gli addon (come si chiamano loro). ma ho dei piccoli problemini.* creo le cartelle condivise ma non le vedo ne sul sistema ospite se sulla macchina virtuale.* la risoluzione non va oltre gli 800x600.* il sistema ospite non va più su internet quando avvio la macchina virtuale, e chiaramente quest'ultima non va su internet.* ho attivato le usb ma sulla macchina virtuale ma in realtà quando collego un drive usb non lo vedo.* quando attivo le usb il sistema ospite sente un nuovo hardware "virtualbox usb" dove li becco i driver ? 350c69d7ab


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